So there's this production company in LA called Ark Music Factory. Ark is essentially a Barbizon modeling school for tween girls who want to be pop stars but don't have a lick of talent, bless their prepubescent hearts. To compensate, their parents give Ark $2,000 and Ark whips up a song for them in about five minutes while on the terlet, pops them in front of a green screen, Auto-Tunes the shit out of it until they sound like Stephen Hawking delivering a lecture on the nature of space and time at Cornell and puts the entire thing on YouTube so Baby Girl can go to science class the next day and be like, "SEE?? I told you I had a single, Stephanie." Pretty ingenious, right? Right. OK, so Rebecca Black made one of these videos to a song called "Friday" and the Internet shat itself because it was so bad. Like if we're subscribing to Andy Warhol's whole "Don't pay attention to what they write about you, just measure it in inches" theory, we'd have to measure Rebecca Black in miles. "Friday" was uploaded to YouTube a little over two weeks ago and as right now it has over 62 million hits. She's kicked Justin Bieber's ass on all sorts of charts and consistently trended higher on Twitter than the disaster in Japan. Shit. Be. Ridiculous.
But now everyone's kind of over it and we're all moving on and getting our lives back and one day soon we'll realize it's Friday and think, "Oh, half-price apps ends at 7:30; we should probably hustle," instead of, "FRY-EEE-DAYEE! FRY-EEE-DAYEE! GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRY-EEE-DAYEE!" And it will be good.
So now that we're all on the same page, here's the thing: I don't understand why Rebecca Black was Ark Music's viral meme. Don't get me wrong, Ark Music Factory: LOL. I'm not trying to make this a morality contest; 12-year-old girls paying to make fools out of themselves on the Internet is and always will be funny. But out of all of the stars in the Ark galaxy, Rebecca Black?? I mean, yeah, she kind of sounds like a Canadian robot which is weird because she's an American human and sure, her song gives a whole new meaning to the term "simple", but 62 million?! I think the entire world needs to go back to eyeball school and meet CJ Fam:
Now that is what I call a meme. That deserves 62 million hits. That deserves 137,000 "likes" and over a million "dislikes". That could make The Land of the Rising Sun.......................nope. Executive decision—still too soon. Let's move on. Andrew of the Great Juno Debate sat me down a few weeks ago and told me to watch "Friday" because it's his unofficial job to keep me up on the kids and their haps, and afterwards we explored Ark's other videos and discovered my beloved CJ Fam. I was like, "Oh, well obviously other people will look at Ark's other videos, find CJ fam, The Blogs will pick up on it and BOOM, she'll be the new Rebecca Black. Case closed." But (to my knowledge) it never happened. "Ordinary Pop Star" has over 770,00 hits, but that's just a fraction of Rebecca Black's success and Ark's 15 minutes are quickly running out. And I just don't get it. What happened, world? Why aren't we seeing eye to eye on this one? Why didn't you bust a proverbial nut over CJ Fam like I did? I liked the Keyboard Cat. I Numa-Numa-ed with the best of them. But Rebecca Black > CJ Fam? I thought I knew you...
10 Reasons Why CJ Fam is more meme-worthy than Rebecca Black:
#10: Rebecca Black seems to be in on the joke; CJ Fam does not
Every interview I've seen of Rebecca Black (which admittedly is one) has given me the impression that she's...well...nice. She just seems like a nice girl who accidentally got über YouTube famous and is aware that any second now the clock could strike midnight and she'll be just another pumpkin at the El Rancho Charter School eighth grade sock hop. She knows she's famous for singing a horrible song and is like, "Yeah, that's fair. I'm not the worst, but I'm not the best. This has been fun though," whereas the majority of people in her shoes would take the, "Y'ALL JUST JEALOUS!!! Y'ALL JUST JEALOUS!!!" route. No matter how shitty her singing is, you kind of have to respect that. And can you really respect a meme?
Also, while you get the impression that Rebecca Black "signed" with Ark to have the best 13th birthday ever, CJ Fam's Ark profile makes it embarrassingly apparent that she's using this as an actual avenue to become a recording artist. And that, like some of the best Shakespearean theater, is both tragic and hilarious. CJ Fam is the personification of Cymbeline. She is Fletcher's The Faithful Shepherdess but less Jacobean and the ground. By sturdy legs.
#9: Fam's "Ordinary Pop Star" is exponentially more nonsensical than Black's "Friday"
Look, "Friday" is about as creative as a cat licking it's own ass, I'll give you that, but lyrically it makes sense. The days of the week go: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Valid. When getting into an automobile, you typically have a choice of sitting in the front seat or the back seat. I've been there. Everybody has their own concept of what's "fun" and knows what it is. ("Night Court" marathon and a TIG 'OLE spliff.) "Friday" is laughably stupid and I don't remember a time in my life when it wasn't stuck in my head, but hey, that's pop-music. "Ordinary Pop Star", however, empirically doesn't make sense and people who unapologetically dump dumb shit onto the culture landscape deserve our mockery, not nice girls from Anaheim who can't decide if they want to ride shotgun.
Lyrics: "I want to be an ordinary pop star. I want to be like those normal girls. I want to live a regular life again, like going to school and having good friends. You know, you know what I mean?"
Yes. Yes, I do. You want to be an ordinary girl. What you just described is the life of an ordinary girl. An ordinary pop star is a contradiction, because pop stars, by the very nature of pop stardom, are not ordinary people. They are extraordinary. The entire point of the song makes zero sense. It's like saying you want to be a Zionist anti-Semite. Or a carnivorous vegan. It just doesn't make sense, and nobody stopped to tell you that because your parents paid them $2,000 to shut their mouths and go with God. And even if you accept that there is such a thing as an ordinary pop star, they certainly don't go to school or have good friends. They're taught by tutors on a Disney lot and their best friend is a toss-up between a 45-year-old William Morris agent or that guy from craft services who just gets you. That is an ordinary pop star. P-P-P-Pop star.
#8: You went to school with a CJ Fam
We all did. Lord knows I went to school with more than a few. They're big fish in small ponds. They take voice lessons from some broad in a basement between bible study sessions and lord it over the rest of the Fall musical cast that they're classically trained. They don't go to college because they're going to "move to New York and dive right into auditions," but end up working at Hair Cuttery and teaching Tap I to a whole new generation of CJ Fams. All they talk about in school is how they just recorded a demo and Tommy Mattolla heard it and thinks they're going to be the next Britney Spears and it's like, really? You're wearing Keds and we're both struggling to light the same Bunsen burner. Something tells me Tommy Mattolla doesn't know you from a waxed asshole. They're never good people. They're phonies, pure and simple, and phonies deserve 62 million people reminding them of that.
#7: Because both sketchy Ark producers are in her video, erotically nodding
Does that not make you want to put on another layer? A modest Zbornakian cowel neck sweater perhaps? And the best part is that the guy on the right, Ark CEO Patrice Wilson, serves double duty in this video as CJ Fam's producer and chauffeur:
So let me get this straight, Ark: you could find 35 kids to cross their eyes, pretend they're meeting Miley Cyrus and herniate a disc, but you couldn't find AN other man to play the chauffeur? Not her dad? A janitor? Anything? For $2,000, I'd expend a higher level of attention to details, sirs.
#6: Because Fam's video has a glorious fake TMZ montage
My favorite is the ever-so-slightly Lohan/Ronsen-esque one:
I fully expected the next one to be, CJ FAM DYKES OUT WITH TILA TEQUILA AT SKY BAR!!!! And you know what? I think I was understandably disappointed when it wasn't.
#5: Because this is her headshot:
#4: And this photo exists. Period.
I know this is hypocritical because I've certainly shared more of my life online than the average Jane, but I shudder at the thought of my children ever using the Internet. Why? Because one minute they're researching Kubla Khan for a history project and the next they're ambiguously nude on a floral bedspread that says "I HEART U" in rose petals and it's being downloaded by every inmate in Seven Locks. (Fun fact: Did you know that Seven Locks is a correctional facility in Rockville, Maryland? Did you know that it's also the name of my friend Pete's band? It totally is! So you should check 'em out. Once time Pete's girlfriend, Katie, and I were flying back to DC from Miami and she waited in line with me for a really long time at 7 o'clock in the morning to yell at American Airlines for losing my ticket, and when I finally got up to the counter, it was politely pointed out that I was on a United flight. HA HA HA! Ohhhh...we laughed and laughed and then one of us cried. This message brought to you by: friendship.)
#3: Because she's from Ft. Lauderdale
And nothing—and I mean nothing—is as funny to me as the concept of being from Ft. Lauderdale. (Maybe Tampa.)
#2: Because when she performs she wears a headset and movement clothes:
But when she's off-stage, she just another girl on a Razor scooter in knockoff Garanimals:
#1: Because the world needs a chubby Jewish pop star
I understand that the overall tone of this blog post is slightly cruel, but I mean that honestly. I was a chubby Jewish 12-year-old girl once myself who had no idea how to polish that turd and OOF—shit was rough. Thankfully one day I was like, "Threading. Flat iron. Bathing. WORD," but it would have been nice to have an equally awkward-looking tween idol to look up to in the interim. Rebecca Black might be a shitty singer who got famous from an even shittier song, but Ryan Seacrest has hooked her up with a non-cat-fashion-show music contract and I can't help but think that could have been Fam. My sweet, sweet Fam. But maybe it's not too late...?
Oh. My. Gawd. You are like an omniscient super star. Not only do I know who Rebecca Black is ~ I don't have intercourse on a regular basis.
How do you know these things???
Zbornakian? Bahahaha I almost DIED.
Not to jump on the cruelty wagon too hard but oh CJ... She provokes it. I have a pretty vicious case of Jew-fro but her hair. Just. Wow. It's like if Jon Benet had stuck her finger in a light socket and died... instead of being murdered normally?
Well this is getting dark.
How do you know these things???
Andrew tells me! I'm not kidding, we routinely sit down and I say, "Andrew? What's going on in the world?" And he dumbs it down REAL good for me and suddenly I can school you on Libya and know all the words to "Ordinary Pop Star". God bless him.
If someone who sucks at lip reading watched that Friday crap, this is what they would think it was about...gang fights and party hats!
Thank you for this. Great start to a dreary Tuesday morning...
Retweeted :)
Love the Cornell reference! Woot, woot Big Red!
As someone from Tampa, I'm choosing to take that parenthetical remark as a compliment.
As you should!
Plus, CJ Fam CAN actually sing:
"I don't want to be a diva--I am real, and so down to earth."
Might be the best line in Ordinary Pop Star...thank you, a million times thank you.
Um, please tell me that I’m not alone here...CJ Fam weirdly resembles the character Isabelle Hodes from Weeds. Huskaroo? Anyone? It's almost as though the producers at Ark thought it would be really funny to turn CJ into an exact replica. They didn't even have to get overly creative with that $2,000 thrown down by the rents. Maybe there was actually a "TV Show Duplication" option which halved the fee, leading to Wilson's double duty in the music video. I just took that to a whole new level, please someone tell me I'm not alone. Weird...
No joke, for the first minute of the song I was wondering if it was the girl from Weeds too. Little sad it's not...
God bless you for your use of scrolling marquee text.
I think I was "that girl" in school. I lived in LA, where every kid had an agent and bragged (ok lied) about how famous they were or were going to be. Or how "it was between me and Tori Spelling/ Leonardo DiCaprio/in my case Ashley Johnson for the role." Then I moved to Sacramento, where no one gave a shit. Except I was special! Damnit I was special! I went to school dressed fancy because "I'm leaving early today for a photo shoot in San Francisco." I had a fur coat. A fur.fucking.coat. And I'm not Russian, so it doesn't naturally make sense. But, payback's a bitch because I turned 11 and my teeth grew in like a mutilated shark and that was the end of the 'ole modeling career and hello to 4.5 years of braces. If I could go back in time I would have slapped myself for being so annoying.
Also, her real name is Cydney. Like with a C. Ridic.
hoooooly shit. This is funniest post I have EVER read.
P.S. I live in Alaska and my friends and I all read your blog. You're SUPER close to international.
OMG I watched all the Ark Music Factory videos on youtube, too, & was like, "CJ Fam = our generation's Shirley Temple?" Did you watch the "official launch party" video featuring CJ Fam?
Blast it out, CJ. Blast it out.
Another Ark favorite? Alana Lee.
(Scroll to 2:30 for the best part, then tell me the teacher at 2:56 ISN'T a registered sex offender)
P.S. Super happy to see regular updates again, Meg & Chris!
If you think Rebecca and CJ are bad then you haven't encountered the evolution of little lisping Jenna Rose.
Similar circumstances: a tween making a god awful music video with a 'rapper' making a guest appearance. Jenna Rose's smashing first hit 'My Jeans' has over 2 million views on Youtube and includes lyrics like 'jag my swag' and 'Hannah Montana's wearing my jeans.' Funnily enough,it's obvious that the chick is one of those weird-talkers because her mouth contorts into really odd shapes while lip-syncing, but the impediment is nearly totally lost in the auto tune.
Anyway, the first video is harmless enough. Hey, look, I have the same jeans as that celebrity on t.v. The second video, however, is SCANDALOUS! I was seriously uncomfortable watching the vid. Yikes!
Here's a link to the first video if you need to waste three minutes of your life.
By the way, the other Jenna Rose video is called O.M.G. and oh. my. god. is it god-awful.
I forwarded this to a friend and he reminded me about this girl we went to high school with who was on Star Search when she was 8 and would NOT stop bragging about it. Flash forward almost 15 years and that girl is now the lead singer of a Carrie Underwood cover band and I've been entertaining myself by watching her terrible YouTube videos. Thank you, Meg McBlogger, for making my day.
I kind of feel bad for CJ Fam after watching some of her Youtube videos. Kid actually has a set of pipes on her.
I might be biased, though, because she looks eerily similar to me (circa 1992). Embarrassing, yes. True, also yes.
Curly Sue, anyone? ANYONE?!?
Yes, it's Isabelle Hodes had Celia been an even worse stage mom! I would rather this CJ wear Huskaroos in the suspect picture above. Eesh.
I just watched the Rebecca Black video for the first time on Sunday. Besides your awkward moments recap post, I've never laughed so hard in my life. at my computer screen.
CJ Fam looks like Curly Sue to me, too.
Also, that second Jenna Rose video mentioned by another commenter is horrifying. Beep beep. Toot toot.
I though Orlando was your go-to Florida joke city, due to the presence of Kevin Yang?
Carnivorous Vegan...a person who only eats animals who only eat produce?
SO GOOD. I needed a chubby Jewish popstar when I was 12 too. For me it was hair relaxing treatments, A BRA, and 4 years of orthodontia.
Uh... The video no longer exists... Meg... WHAT DID YOU DO!?! :P
while we're on current events, how bout a blog post on mini giraffes? lord knows you'll rack up some hits.
Hi this is CJ I wrote the song Ordinary Pop Star when l was 10. I wrote the song and took a chance. Everybody has gpt to start somewhere. I like going to school and don't want to be homeschooled or have people chasing me
I want to be a singer but want to keep my normal life. Is this possible or like u said a contradiction? ?
Not sure if you knew this but Cydney (god I love alternative spellings) "CJ" Fam has her own youtube channel.
OK, what's the verdict: Is that really CJ Fam?
CLC, thank you because I was going to bring the joy that is "my jeans" to all the 2b1b readers and I'm glad someone beat me to it. She is a true lyrical genius.
Just when you all thought it couldn't get any better than Rebecca Black, CJ, and Jenna Rose...
...along came young Zachary Freiman with his hit single "I'm Zack!" - God help us all.
Anon 2:04 again -- don't forget Bob Dylan's classic cover of Rebecca Black's "Friday"
First of all, thank you for your perspective on Rebecca Black. Yes she sucks, but she really seems like a nice girl who thinks this is just for fun, unlike scary CJ Curly Sue I wanna be a normal pop star girl. That was traumatizing.
What are the chances 2B1B conducts a 2B1B Investigation on Ark Factory Video Production - and releases a song...
I think the best part is that CJ Fam is singing about she wants to be a pop star and ordinary--but she is clearly ordinary and not a pop star...
Clearly I need to see Rebecca Black's video now too... on to Youtube!
I don't think that's really CJ. She doesn't strike me as the type that would remain anonymous. Her parents would pay extra for a blog name that sparkles and shoots candy out of your computer screen when you click it.
I just really enjoy ARK's tactic of giving all these videos street cred by having some 40 year old black man driving a car and/or rapping. Not creepy at all that suddenly there is some old dude who is apparently ALSO attending Rebecca Black's party party party fun fun fun.
This reminds me of Robyn Sparkles, from How I Met Your Mother... only way more tragic.
SO this has nothing to do with this post but please do a 2b1b invetigates on
I know it's not technically a confederate flag.... but it vaguely looks like one and i think you would love it... and where it everyday... to 2b1b events... and book signings.
Those girls in I'm Zack are amazingly unenthusiastic. Also, I'm pretty sure those "Fabulous" shirts they're wearing about 3 minutes in are the same as the ones Jenna Rose's dancers wear in OMG.
I have to say though, I like "I'm Zach", it actually seems like he knows how ridiculous the whole thing is and is just playing along, unlike CJ Fam!
Tobetti HIMYM Robyn Sparkles was what I was thinking too!!
Meg, because we went to same school. I know who you are talking about. I was also in that science class and remember the person you are talking about. I had to look her up on facebook.
Also it is weird when people tell me they grew up in places like Ft. Lauderdale or Miami. My boyfriend is not a jewish dude. To me he is a gay cuban.
this post killed me. i laughed so hard that i ending up getting energy drink up my nose laughing...
and it hurt so good.
hahahah loved every second of this
I am in the studio right now with this girl. This girl CAN SING!!! She is killing this record, and is only 11 people!
what 11 year old is in the studio at 3:05 am? i call shenanigans
Thanks for the shout out Meg! It's awesome to be a fan of the Blog for so long, and then to get mentioned in it totally made my day.
I found CJ Fam on Facebook...just sayin. How creepy would it be for me, a 20 year old, to friend her? And write on her wall every day about how I sort of want to be her or, failing that, groom my little chubby Jewish cousin to become her?
also, i miss your blogging. post something soon. cant function without my daily dose of meg mcblogger.
Its been such a long week without some 2b1b hilariousness :( come back!
So btdubs - I was listening to Pandora -and by Pandora I mean Jango because I refuse to pay .99 to listen to internet radio. I digress...whilst I was listening to my Top of the Charts channel what should come on but "Friday" by Ms. Rebecca Black!!
She has arrived.
Where are you?! Come back....
Last week I felt totally spoiled by your constant posts. This week, I feel like some one (ie, landlord or property manager... or any concerned party) should go make sure you haven't ODed on spoiled Chinese food again and are laying in the middle of your apartment in a pleather jacket with no pulse.
Come baaaaaaaack. :(
Can someone post the link to 2b1b post about ChatRoulette? I can't find it!
April 16th is buy one footlong get one free at subway!
Eat fresh bitchezz
Thanks for your share! very impressive!
Enicholsdesign -
How much money is it going to take to get more than one post per 14 days? This is a serious question.
Sadly I have to agree with Anon 8:05.
One great post every two weeks doesn't cut it. Not if you want to sell your book..
As much as I have loved reading your blog, you write so infrequently that I don't even think to check it anymore. Not a good way to cultivate book buyers...
Oh suck it you 3. Seeing as most authors aren't bloggers, I seriously doubt book sales depend on blog readership. Get over yourselves.
yeah, even just an update on whats going on would be nice. that way i wouldnt have to keep visiting every single day, waiting, only to be disappointed at the lack of a new post once again. :(
There are blogs that post everyday, and then there is this hilarious blog that makes me laugh so hard I cry almost every time. That's worth waiting for in my opinion.
I forget about you guys... come back.
I have 2b set as my homepage. Please, and I mean PLEASE get CJ Fam off my morning page. Post anything, anything at all. One word would be better than coming to work every day and having to see "In Defense of CJ Fam" one more time. No, but really though...please?
Is this blog dead? That same post has been there for so long, and it's so disappointing to pop in here everyday and not find anything new!
Are you alive? Hellooooooo?
No post April???
Why would anyone in their right mind make this site their home page??
Does anybody know what the hell happened to these guys?
hi meg! i miss you a whole lot! hope everything is okay!! :)
ok you're tweeting, so we all know you're alive. please come back and post SOMETHING for the love of god. i can't look at those horrendous glamor shots another day
what the hell ever happened to tulane chris? he hasn't posted or tweeted in weeks.
hope everything is ok. I keep checking in and i can't wait to see something that doesnt say "in defense of CJ Fam" haha. MISS YOU GUYSSSS
Man o man why is "mike" such a cunty mccunterson?
I just took that to a whole new level, please someone tell me I'm not alone.
its official. after repeated no-post weeks, i quit this blog.
I hope you guys are okay! :) Take your time... true fans will NEVER quit your amazing blog!
Yes, true fans will quit if there is no longer anything of which to be a fan. Regular posting for a blog intended to launch a writing career is beyond basic. If I kept going to my favourite restsurant and the doors were always locked, I'd stop going and stop recommending...don't think that is unreasonable.
Agreed, Anon 3:21!
just a sentence or two that lets us know that you're coming back is all i'm asking for. i realize that this blog doesn't pay and a book does so the book takes priority, but just let us know that you will be back eventually so i know not to give up on you. please guys it's been weeks all we need is a sign, or signal flare, or perhaps a witty one liner. please
Funny shit. Kudos.
By the way, the opposite of a Zionist isn't an anti-Semite. It's anti-racist.
Oh dear god, I am so glad I just found this post. I think I almost died laughing. I hope her video goes viral... it's like Shirley Temple gone wrong.
CJ has a fan page. You're welcome.
(Also, I briefly debated friending her on Facebook, but decided that would be inappropriate. Because she's 13. I think.)
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