As of 10:47am on April 16th, 2010, Larry Hagman is...alive! BEST. BIRTHDAY PRESENT. EVER.
That's right, today is my 25th birthday. Bitch be old. I mention this less to get attention and more so to explain why there won't be a post today. Sorr about that. I still have strong feelings for you that border on love. It's just that I switched shifts with someone at work today specifically so I could sleep in and spend all day pantsless in bed doing fuck all. I feel like of all people, you'd understand.
Hope you guys have a great weekend and we'll see you right back here bright and early Monday morning! Buh-bye!
Happy birthday! You're now nearer to 30 than you are to 20. Sorr about that.
Happy Birthday!
Happy bday.
Happy birthday !
The last couple of days "sorr about the bag" will just float into my head and I'll chuckle to myself. It's such a great present you'd think it was my birthday. I hope yours is great!!
Happy Birthday!
My 26th Birthday is on Monday...high five for old-ass Aries'.
The offer still stands for you to come to my bday party next weekend...*puppy dog eyes*
dear meg mcblogger,
my bff's birthday is today too, and tomorrow night we are taking a party bus around dc. your attendance would be an honor.
thank you and happy birthday.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
I have to tell you "Sorr about the bag" is one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard... I laugh out loud everytime I read it.
Happy birthday!!
happy birthday, no-pants meg!
Happy Birthday Meg! You should have another blog meet up, because I"m pretty sure that my friend kristen and I are your next new best friends.....
Yea, sorry, that was super creepy, but it's kinda true.....
Happy Birthday! Today is my birthday too; no worries though... I wont steal your thunder as I live in Indi-fucking-ana.
Also, Sorr about the bag was in my dream last night... a bit creepy, I know.
Happy Birthday!
Sorr about the bag kills me everytime. It's so funny. Happy birthday and I hope all your wildest dreams come true!!!
happy b'day..ms meg...
Time for the quarter-life crisis. Looking forward to the posts.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Bday! Harriet Olivia is correct... you do round to 30. (I like to remind my 25 year old boyfriend of that same fact every chance I get. He doesn't appreciate it much.)
Also... I got to integrate Sorry about the bag into my life today, and it was glorious. I was getting on the bus to go to work, and it was SUPER crowded. I'm going out of town right from work, so I had my embarassingly huge pink duffel over my shoulder. The bus driver looked at my bag, and narrowed his eyes. I looked at him, apologetically said "Sorr about the bag", and then went on my merry way.
It was fucking great.
...my computer keeps autocorrecting "Sorr" to "sorry". Apparently it doesn't appreciate the joke as much as I do.
Happy Birthday, Meg! Quarter of a century! Woot! I just celebrated my 25th back in November so I know how depressing it can be, but that's why I'm going to offer you a little pick-me-up! Today is my grandmother's 70th birthday, so while you're out mourning your 25th, just remember....someone else out there is celebrating the fact that they're still alive. So...there's that.
Wow, I'm just now realizing how awful that statement was. Guess I don't get the grandaughter of the year award. Sorr about the bag.
Happy birthday, Meg!! Sorr about the bag! (
Happy Birthday Meggles!! As someone who just turned 26...it's WAY more depressing than 25. Just make sure you surround yourself with people as immature as you...then it doesn't feel so bad!! Enjoy your pantsless day!
I can't stop thinking about how hilar "sorr about the bag" is. My sister and I started saying it to each other... is that weird? HAPPY B-DAY MEG!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!! I hope it's Jager-filled and glorious.
Happy Birthday, Meg!
Happy birthday! My roommate and I will drink to you at happy hour today - both huge fans of 2birds.
Also, I just turned 25 last week, and it's not so bad...just hangout with people who are even older and you'll feel young! ;-)
happy birthday meggles (and almost birthday twinsie, mine's tomorrow) :)
Happy Birthday! I feel like it is all of our birthday's everyday and your blog is the gift! Hope you have a wonderful pantsless weekend!
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday!! i totally used 'sorr about the bag' in my facebook status update day. (which was the mugshot of a phillies fan that spit on a cops head and then projectile vomited on a little girl at the stadium on wednesday. yeah, sorr about the bag, philadelphia.) have a great weekend!
Happy birthday!! I'm still laughing about 'Sorr about the bag'... :D
happy birthday! my co-worker and i read your blog all of the time! and your friend with the HOOKworms is WRONG.
happy birthday and sorr about the bag
I think all the fans of this blog should plan a time to blow up twitter with #sorraboutthebag and make it a trending topic. Anybody in?
Also, happy birthday meggles! Reading past entries totally kept me from crying at work today! Yay!
Just cause it needs to be said:
sorr bout the hag Meg
Happy b-day
Happy Birthday Meist!
Dr. Sinners.
So today I was in a meeting with my two bosses, and for some reason I started thinking about "sorr about the bag", and I busted out laughing. they were like what is so funny, I said "sorr about the bag"
They think i'm a weird ass b
i know that admitting this sets me back, but i just wanted to let you know that in this weeks gossip girl they totally ref larry hagman. i immediately thought SORR ABOUT THE BAG!
oh and happy birthday!
Happy bday to you..happy bday to you..happy bday dear meeeg..happy bday to you..
Yeeah, sorr about the bag. And by bag, I mean lack of tune!!
Happy birthday!!! I hope today is filled with rainbows, sunshine, kittens, Jager and Narwhals!
Happy Birthday Ms. McBlogger! I hope there's a little Jäger in that pantsless day!!
Happy Birthday. My 25th brithday is tomorrow, like OMG! I hope you have a great weekend!
Happy Bday! Hope you had fun lounging pantsless! I did the same all day! LOLZ
Happy Birthday accidental racist, sorr about the bag
Of course it's your birthday. Everyone I know is having their birthday today. Like 10 people. And then I see random strangers when I am out having their birthday as well. What I'm trying to say is...I wish I'd been born on April 16. It seems to be the BEST DAY EVER!
Happy Birthday!
Sarah , a devoted reader.
I'm pretty sure sorr about the bag will never get old. Happiest of birthdays!!
Very tardy happy day, hope you rocked it.
Ummm... a Larry Hagman reference was dropped on the latest episode of Gossip Girl.
no post monday is back? :(
Dearest Meg,
I believe the suggestion from multiple readers to move Queer Abby from Friday to Monday was made out of love and concern for the No-Post Monday effect of us all hitting refresh to no avail on the most hideous of workdays.
Please reinstate Drinking Game Friday and move Abby to Monday so we can all get toasted before the weekend and receive sage advice afterwards.
Thanks ever so much, and I sincerely hope you didn't die on your birthday.
Oh man, I look soooo forward to 2b1b on Mondays... I'm not angry, I'm just selfishly sad, because I wuv you! Hopefully you are recovering from your festivities and debauchery. And I agree, Queer Abby Mondays sounds great, because I'm sure we could use all the sound advice and a good laugh post-weekend disasters.
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