No Post Monday. Your father and I aren't mad. We're disappointed.
Sigh. Now allow me to share with you a gchat conversation two readers from Texas had and sent me:
Kate: it drives me nuts that meg never posts on mondays anymore
and im like
.... that doesn't make up for it, meg.
that. doesnt. make. up. for. it.
Sent at 3:24 PM on Monday
Sarah: I KNOW
its annoying
its like I NEED THIS
it's not a game at this desk
Kate: hahaha
Sarah: what is she doing mondays if shes unemployed?
Kate: she works retail
and she drinks sunday nights
so she barely has time to put on pants mondays when she wakes up at 10am for her 11am shift
ugh, meg.
i feel like i know you
and yet, i dont.
Sarah: its so creepy yet so necessary
maybe we should send her this convo
And then they did. And I'M SORRY, YOU GUYS! I'm sorry. I can't even tell you how much No Post Mondays stress me out. I kept remembering that I didn't post anything this morning at work today and feeling all guilty and stressed out like I forgot my kid at daycare or something. Which is absurd because this is just a blog. But, you know, it's more to me and I feel guilty.
I don't even have a good excuse for not blogging yesterday. I got home from work Sunday night and like the responsible young blogger I am (or strive to be), I curled up on the couch with a glass of wine, a very much alive and somewhat kickin' Cella and Dr. Reuben's Everything You Always Wanted to Know... with every intention of writing a Q&A post for Monday morning. And then I passed out AN single page in. I woke up five hours later at 2:30 in the morning curled up in a ball on the couch, pantsless, TV still on, spooning my laptop with mascara all over my face. It was pretty much the closest I've come to having sex since I made consensual love to a box of Thin Mints last Thursday.
Despite being half asleep and in the midst of nap afterglow (nafterglow, if you will,) I vowed that I would get something—anything—up on the blog to avoid yet another No Post Monday. So I made a list of everything that's going on in my life at the moment. And the list went as such:
- I had a really satisfying salad for dinner last night.
And that concluded the list. I'm not kidding. I very seriously wrote that sentence, blanked on anything else to write and thought, "Welp! That's the ballgame. This is my life. Aaaaaaaand hells bell's it's depressing. Good night and god speed."
But I refuse to believe that that's the only noteworthy thing in my life right now. That I had a satisfying salad for dinner. (Although it's worth noting that it really was a satisfying salad. So much so that I had again for dinner tonight. And some soup. Because it was a rainy, lazy, cozy soup kind of a day. OH MY FUCKING GOD, DO YOU SEE?! DO YOU SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!) No! I'm not letting this happen. I will not talk about depression, or soup, or salad, or soup and salad combo meals, or anything else that will make me sound like a living, breathing Cathy comic. Today I'm going to talk about other things. This, my friends, IS WHAT'S GOING ON.
- UM. Reagan, a 2b1b reader from Houston sent me this tank top the other day:

Oh I'm sorry, Reagan. Did I just go gay for you? Yep. Sure did. So, what are you doing this weekend? ME!? Hehehehe, oh MY! You bring the flannel; I'll bring the power tools.
(Side note: I really want to add a merch store to the blog, specifically because I want to create an official "sorr about the bag" tote bag and proudly sport it around town on a daily basis. If anyone knows anything about how to set up a merch store on a blog, hit a bitch up: Especially because if I get a store up and running, it might solve my next problem...)
- I need $500 and Adderall. Fast. I realize this couldn't sound sketchier if a one-armed Russian drug dealing sailor was involved, but I swear both are for legit purposes. I think I may have solved my laptop problem! Lara's going off to grad school in the fall (THAT'S RIGHT! My design protégé got accepted into Parson's web design masters program, DID YOURS?! Oh. He did? Well. Good for him. He should talk to Lara because she's talented and easy on the eyes. Oh, and he's newly single? Welp. I'm mighty glad we had this conversation.) and needs to get a new computer before she goes. She dropped by the store tonight and informed me that she's going to sell her old (sexy) laptop (which just got a new battery and comes with CS3!) for $500 and I shotgunned that thing so fast my name tag spun. Unfortunately Lara wasn't quite as excited. She kind of awkwardly looked at the ground, shifted her eyes back and forth and asked, " offense, but do you have $500?" Well, no, not in the technical sense, but I sure as shit can find a way to get it!
So, what am I good at? Drinking, making charmingly awkward conversation and occasionally baking things. Thus, for a nominal fee, I will come to your apartment with a bottle of wine and bake you something. Perhaps a poon cake. It's kind of my specialty. What's the nominal fee? In the words of the church, "give what you can." And then a few bucks more because things are touch and go. Come on! It's like a bake sale that comes to you! It's a lazy man's wet dream! Invite some friends over! We'll make it a night! (PS: those friends should also give what they can. God bless.)
Oh, and the Adderall is just because I have ADD and need it, but can't afford to go see a psychiatrist anymore. Poverty is mighty inconveniencing. I'm rationing out my remaining anit-depressants like meat in wartime.
Now, I don't know how "legal" this is, but I have a request. Is the request to mail me any spare Adderall you may have lying around your house? No. No, it's not. But it's also not not to mail me any spare Adderall you may have lying around your house, if you catch my drift. And if say a spare painkiller found it's way in there too? Well, I certainly wouldn't be mad. THAAAANX!
- Becca recently asked me to start thinking about what kind of bridesmaid dress I would want to wear in her wedding. She's pretty sure she wants her bridal party to be in gray, but since I'm the Maid of Honor, mine gets to be a little bit different. When she told me this, I obviously heard, "you can wear whatever you want," and immediately knew the perfect dress—the dress that Alexis Carrington/Colby/Dexter/Rowan wears to Steven and Sammy Jo's engagement party in the season 2 episode appropriately titled, "The Party."
when Becca was over the other week, I decided it was a good time to inform her that I had found the perfect Maid of Honor dress for her wedding. "Awesome! Let's see it!" she said. So I juiced up the old DVD player, popped in "The Party" and paused it on the following still:

She seemed to not think it was an option. Although, to be fair, I failed to mention that the mink stole and gold seashell clutch are optional. That might make a difference.
Flash forward to yesterday when Ex Co-Blogger Eddie sent me a link to a dress that she said I should buy because a.) it looks like Dynasty threw up all over it and b.) it would make my boobs look good:

Oh, I'M sorry. Is that not just a modest version of my dream Dynasty dress?! IT'S PERFECT! I mean, gray is sophisticated and elegant and all, but gold lamé? Gold lamé is like surviving a heinous car crash, plunging into a vat of ice-cold water or getting kicked in the groin—it reminds you that you're alive. If there's any fabric more appropriate for a wedding, I'd like to know what it is. Soooo...fingers crossed she goes for that.
- What does it say about me that I legitimately almost peed my pants laughing the first time I saw this video?
And keep in mind that a large part of the near urination factor was due to the kid's blood-curdling screams. Not to mention the fact that right it can get any funnier, a rogue donkey scampers across the shot. I mean, this is pretty much what dreams are made of. I've very seriously had this video open in it's own tab for like, four days straight now and I can't imagine living in a world where I close it. Hell should be nice...
- I was having dinner with my parents last weekend and we somehow started talking about Project Runway. During this conversation, my dad informed me that it is his ultimate dream for me to go on Project Runway and make it to the final 3. Not because I want, or have ever wanted to be a fashion designer, mind you, but because that means my dad would get to meet and subsequently hug Tim Gunn during the home visit episode. "I don't know," my dad explained, "A hug from Tim Gunn seems like it would be so cathartic. Like everything would be OK. He just seems like such a nice guy!"
...From now on, whenever people get weirded out by the fact that I have tattoos dedicated to my parents, this is the moment I'm going to refer them to. I just feel like it might clear things up a bit.
- In case you didn't know, I'm on the Twitter. Fellow Twitter user and 2b1b reader @toastedzen tweeted me the following this past Friday night:
toastedzen @2birds1blog I would give just about anything to hang out with you. Hell, to DATE you. I am in love!
"Well that's awfully nice of you, sir," I thought to myself, before tweeting "done and DONE!" back for good measure.
The next morning, he tweeted this:
toastedzen @2birds1blog FYI I have no idea how much sake I had put back before I wrote that. Just in case, you know if it doesn't work out between us.
To which I joked, "what?? so we're NOT dating?!" And this is what I got back:
toastedzen @2birds1blog its not you, its me. really. umm... I just think we should be free to see other people. but we can still be friends.
OK, let me just get this straight: I'm getting dumped by fake boyfriends, these days? Before even meeting me? Is this really how far I've fallen? I'm not mad, mind you. I'm just asking. Clarifying, really. Because when you discover my lifeless body hanging from a shower rod, I don't want there to be any confusion as to what happened. I don't want any lingering theories out there that perhaps old Meg McBlogger David Carradine-ed herself. It was intentional. So we're all on the same page here? Good. Moving on.
- AH! WEIRD! So after writing that last thought, I went to the bathroom to wash my face and on my way back, grabbed the most recent issue of Cosmopolitan Becky has and brought it back to bed. I opened to the horoscope section and read mine:
The forecast: As Uranus makes its agitating debut in your sign, you're bound to unleash your grumpiness on all the wrong people. Sign up for a bad-mood-busting kickboxing class, pronto.
Work mode: Cashing in. Moneymaking Mercury settles past-due payments, and you'll enjoy a post-tax windfall.
Love life: A three-way planetary lineup could send hot prospects to singles. Meanwhile, the coupled-up Ram will finally start showing off her man at company events.
Power Day: 27th
First and foremost: HAHAHAHAHAHA! Uranus.
Secondly: HAHAHAHAHAHA! Three-way.
But come on! As much of a giant pile of horse shit that Cosmo is, that's a pretty creepy horoscope, right?? I'm grumpy and taking it out on the wrong people (you, via No Post Mondays) but my money problems will soon be solved (thanks to my new poon cake chef on-the-go business!) Thanks Cosmo! I never thought I'd say this, but you made me feel better about life. And don't worry, I won't forget to play with his balls.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 514 Newer› Newest»HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I'm literally crying with laughter because of that video.
It will never stop being funny, although I had another website opened and another video was playing in the background the first time I watched it and I was like 'SUP WITH THE RANDOM AUSTRALIAN GUYS TALKING ABOUT FOOTY IN THE BACKGROUND?'
But I quickly solved that problem for the 194.7 subsequent times I watched it.
I cant tell you how much better I feel about my life that
(1) You laughed at children being horrified
(2) That you laughed at "uranus" and "three way"
Oh god....suh good.
This merch thing needs to happen, mainly because christ almighty I want that bag.
You could go to cafepress? (I apologize, I only know about lazy man stores. But that's perfect, right? Right?)
Meg, I think you've still got a chance...
Damnit, I meant to include this link in the above comment:
camera work could not have been better if they'd tried.
i would buy a sorr about the bag bag in a hot fucking second!!!!!
omg i would SOOOOOO buy a "sorr about the bag" tote bag!!! get on that shit!
ummm a "Sorr about the bag" bag is a MUST. I will buy at least 10 and give them as birthday/christmas/flag day/cinco de mayo presents to all of my friends! I'd buy them in multiple colors and whichever awesome color i liked the best would become my new purse. And you better believe I will bring it to work, on a date, out to the bars, out to the pool, to my parents house, on vacation, pretty much anywhere i go. DO IT MEG! DO IT FOR YOUR READERS/FANS! Not only will these be the most awesome bags to hit the streets but you are ultimately promoting yourself and the blog (because let's face it, a Sorr about the Bag bag is definitely a conversation starter and I'll proudly encourage people to follow your blog to understand the awesomeness that IS Sorr about the Bag when I explain where I got such a hot commodity). Promoting the blog and/or yourself can only lead to you eventually turning this blog into a money-maker and then you can quit your retail job and just blog all the time for us! maybe it's selfish but dammit, make it happen meg! because we love you!
If you sell Sorr about the bag totes I will definitely buy one
you can probably just add a simple paypal account to the site
go ahead and tell yourself the silence of the thin mints was consent. WE KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE SPOKEN UP IF YOU HADN'T GOTTEN THEM BLITZED ON PARROT BAY.
1. expect an email soon to solicit your baking skillz hell ill even provide the cupcake mix and eggs. im thinking group thing and maybe throw in some chatroulette for shitz and giggles.
2. i want no i NEED a "sorr about the bag" bag.
Try upload a logo or whatever, and you can pick the different things to print it on, and they have tote bags! Hell, you could make Sorr About the Bag thongs. And people can buy directly from there.
(This comment is not a paid endorsement...sadly!)
I'm glad to see that me & my friends aren't the only ones who talk about meg like we really are besties and get really sad when we have to go through an entire work day without her entertaining us.
Hope thats not too creepy, Meg!
My roommate and I also had a conversation about how much of a bummer No Post Mondays are. It's like, a thing. Might want to get on that.
Meg, I'm 100% on board with using a "Sorr about the Bag" tote bag.
For make 'em and mark up the price, ppl WILL buy them...ipso facto you have profit to buy the laptop.
I'll help you!
So here's how to make the "Sorr about the bag" bag:
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
There are even more sites to choose from; I figured you could make something work with one of these.
Can't wait to buy one!
I think it's magical that you made David Carradine a verb. Just sayin'.
i want a "sorr about the bag" tote bag. now. right now.
Did the ostrich-clip just go out to everyone I know and up on my facebook? Yes. Do I feel badly for laughing so hard? A little.
now meg, cinco de ang is a week from tomorrow. im not saying i want a sorr bout the bag bag, but im not NOT saying i want a sorr bout the bag bag. or sombrerro. OLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i agree with Anna, I would NOT Hate a SORR BOUT the BAG Tote Bag for my bday on Friday.. do it!
and I will also buy about 50
Dear Meghan McBlogger,
I have been thinking about making this comment for about two weeks and have been waiting for the right time. In light of your twitter jilting, I think it is now.
After receiving a link to your blog from a co worker it has become a staple of my work day. I may have a crush on you. It's gotten so bad that when I go to the Big Hunt (which I do at least weekly if not more frequently) I stare into the crowd and try to guess whether you are in the bar or not. Is that creepy? I don't know. I waited awhile before admitting it. But yeah, it's like a Big Hunt pass time for me. When the convesation lulls I'm like "Hmm, that girl might be her!" but I'll never know because I don't know what you look like.
I hope you are able to make your Sorr about the bag bag so that I'll know for sure. Anyway, I hope this knowledge of a potential crush from a 25 year old marketing coordinator at a local lobbying firm bouys your spirits a bit. Until then I'll be at the Hunt, guessing into the crowd. Thanks for the blog. I still laugh about "we need to their faces...with information."
I never knew ostriches could be so freaking funny.
I didn't even get all the way through the post before I felt the sudden undeniable urge to comment.
Meg, I love you. But "GIVING WHAT YOU CAN" is called a DONATION and it'd be much easier if there were something like a BUTTON on this page that would allow people NOT in the DC metropolitan area to do it. Just saying.
Also, my recommendation is to hit up teeny-tiny-Nate on Twitter. Have you seen his t-shirt company's e-store? It's kinda sexy. I'd probably hit it after a few drinks. And by hit it I mean buy a t-shirt. If I weren't unemployed.
A. Set up that merch account STAT.
B. My husband has been laid off, but when he gets a job (he had an interview today), we (I) would be happy to have you to our home to make inappropriate desserts with our 3-year-olds.
In return, we may or may not give you money when we shove you out on the sidewalk, wasted drunk, and pants you as you wait for a stranger to drive you home to D.C.
Just kidding, we'd get you drunk and give you money, and, to be fair, pantsing is never not an option, but we'd never put you in danger.
1. I will buy a "sorr bout the bag" tote as well, carry it as a purse and flaunt it all over DC.
2. I'm still laughing at that video. I love when you hear the kid off camera screaming and then old man kicks the big bird. Amazing. I will see you in hell.
3. I want to fix you up with my brother to rid my life of his horrendous ex-girlfriend. Perhaps a questionaire will follow.
Glad you liked the "sorr about the bag" tank. I had one made for myself as well and I wear it proudly.
Hey, I agree with James down there. Maybe if you got a donate button, people who live in the middle of country (OoOooooklahoma!) would be able to donate to you. I mean, ONLY if you stop with this "No Post Monday" crap, would I consider giving you a few bucks. And I know we all don't have a ton of $ laying around, but if my measly $5 contribution will save my sanity at work, I'll do it.
And I'll also take a grossly marked-up Sorr About The Bag bag, because that's just awesome.
Holy balls, thanks for the endorsement of my company James! You, sir, kick ass.
I just sent Meg an email about a merch store, actually. Though I think it's far more than she needs. I second/third/fourth the recommendation for Café Press. OR a company called Zazzle, which I think I like better.
OK, Meist, I love you.
Dr. Sinners
The ostrich video had me giggling like a perverted thirteen year old boy, tears streaming down my face. I'm justifying not feeling too bad about my reaction by the fact that they made the decision to post on youtube and thus invited the world to laugh.
"Sorr about the bag" tank top has now been combined with the jack daniels pajama pants to complete your outfit in my Meghan McBlogger love fantasy. Yes it exists, and by god is it hot.
But as a result of this, I fear that my idea of funding your laptop replacement by inviting you over for a paid appearance to bake and drink jager with my roommates and I would just lead to you being the Demi Moore in my very indecent proposal. Sorr in advance for my loose morals.
so today's comments got rull, rull creepy. it seems your readers will follow you anywhere. but especially to bed.
Besides Cafepress, there is also which I have been told has better quality (shirts at least).
Damnit, I meant to include this link in the above comment:
This just keeps getting more depressing...
ummm a "Sorr about the bag" bag is a MUST. I will buy at least 10 and give them as birthday/christmas/flag day/cinco de mayo presents to all of my friends!
Yessss. I'm going to do it!
go ahead and tell yourself the silence of the thin mints was consent. WE KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE SPOKEN UP IF YOU HADN'T GOTTEN THEM BLITZED ON PARROT BAY.
They wouldn't be so delicious if they didn't want it...
Talia & Anna: it's been so long since I puked in your bathroom. And that's about to change. Saturday night. SOR EXCITED!!!
Anyway, I hope this knowledge of a potential crush from a 25 year old marketing coordinator at a local lobbying firm bouys your spirits a bit. Until then I'll be at the Hunt, guessing into the crowd.
You should just email me and ask me out on a date. You know how lazy I am, Ben. I don't have the energy to go to Big Hunt every night and look around for the guy looking around. (...Yes I do. And yes I will. Because Lord knows I've got the time. I want a Racer 5 and a burger. DAMN YOU, SIR!)
"Sorr about the bag" tank top has now been combined with the jack daniels pajama pants to complete your outfit in my Meghan McBlogger love fantasy.
That's not a fantasy. That's called "what I'm wearing right now."
so today's comments got rull, rull creepy. it seems your readers will follow you anywhere. but especially to bed.
What's minor internet celebrity for if not gettin' some A? Don't judge me, Susan. My friends are always hooking up with and/or dating 2b1b readers and it always made me jealous. The 2b1b reader is a fine man. And I want to say hi to that man. With my mouth. (That was supposed to be a make out and/or blow job joke, but it failed because if I were to say hi to a reader, it really would be with my mouth. Awkward. This is probably why my friends hook up with readers and I don't.)
Im your pharmacist.
Hit me up wif an address.
Anything to contribute to bettering the well-being of our beloved Meg McBlogger...anything.
would i read this thing if i had an ounce of moral gravity? hell, you probably just unleashed a throng of moles tunneling an underground DC drug ring, but here am i, back for my 3 pm comments check.
also,IM sorry, did anyone notice how the father was leeeisurely sauntering over to his screeching kid while he was getting ostrattacked? that pony is my jam.
The father has an exasperated stroll that says "This has happened before." I think that's why the kid is screaming so terribly. He's ALREADY terrified of and been abused by the ostrich, but his dad keeps telling him to "not be a pussy," and get back out there on that donkey.
That storyline made me laugh even harder. And I'm not ashamed in the slightest.
I'm back. I just re-watched the ostrich video and it reminded me of this. Please enjoy.
Sorr about all the posts today.
I would buy a 'sorr about the bag' tote in a heartbeat. Is there any way to start a whole luggage line? Samsonite is missing out here.
I swear on all that is holy I did not just make this...I found it randomly on among the internetz
someone is sending 'sorr about the bag' e-cards. you need to copyright this phrase ASAP or some other people are going to be making money that our favorite blogger deserves
PLEASE tell me that you're serious about the traveling bake show. My roommates and I would totally watch the wire, consume baked goods, and share our not insignificant wine collection with you, in exchange for many dollars for the laptop fund.
I would definitely buy a "Sorr about the bag" tote.
And, I think every reader could send just $1 to you and you'd have more than enough. Who's on board? Where do we send it?
I need to buy new reusable grocery bags - the ones I have are tearing up. However, now I will hold out until I can get some Sorr About The Bag bags! Somebody! Please set up a mech shop for Meggles!
as long as we're sharing youtube videos:
Oh my god. I know like a billion people have probably already said the exact two things I'm about to say but
1) that video made me laugh so hard I cried and watched it like 890 more times
2) I would carry the shit out of a Sorr About The Bag tote so please let us know when they are available.
I went to the movie theatre today and when the girl handed me my popcorn I fumbled it like an awkward idiot and spilled a solid amount into one of those giant coolers shaped like a pop can, and it's filled with ice and there's like Vitamin Water and shit in it waiting to be purchased, anyway I was with a friend who reads your blog so I muttered "sorr about the bag" as we scurried off and laughed ourselves silly. I NEED that tote bag
If I didn't love you so much, I might track down your friend Lara for that CS3 suite. But I fear that by getting in the way of your mac acquisitions, I would hinder your ability to write hilarious posts.
The nonprofit I work for uses Cafepress and it's been great for us. We designed our own stuff in Photoshop/Illustrator and uploaded it to the site. Pretty easy.
I'd be the first one in line for a Tshirt and matching Tote!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who still laughs when they read "uranus". Maturity is overrated.
And I would KILL for a "Sorr About The Bag" tote. Better yet, create an entire fashion line dedicated to it. Get $500 for the laptop, AND be chic as shit.
That video is fucking incredible. I honestly didn't think it was going to be that funny, but then I pressed play and not only was it FOREIGN, but the big ass turkey/ostrich (tostrich?) is fucking stalking that kid like it's LiLo on SamRo. Oh lesbians. And birdmonsters. And Meg. Sometimes you are all too much for me to handle...
P.S. See what I did there? Separating lesbians and Meg into two groups? That was for your mom, because STRAIGHT GIRLS CAN LOVE MAXIM TOO!
Zazzle baby!!!!
This post is what blog dreams are made of! Just so you know, I have anxiety when you don't post on Mondays BUT at least you bring it in full force on the following Tuesday :)
Also, I would totally buy multiple "sorr about the bag" totes like it's nobody's business. You would earn the $500 for the new laptop in NO TIME if you charged around $15-20 a tote. If you threw in a hand written note as well, like you did when we nominated 2b1b for best blog against that lady from Seinfeld, I'd throw in my first born. Just sayin'
#1. Your blog is the sunshine to my otherwise bleak early twenty-something experience.
#2. Sorr about the creep-tasticness/potential illegality of the following, but I feel your pain on the adderall/money ratio and would love to help a homegirl out.
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